الثلاثاء. مارس 4th, 2025
Map of Middle East. Member states are as follows;

Intervention Badra gaaloul

the problem that is posed today for security in the Middle East and Nord Africa very important for the security not only of the region but for global security because the Middle East region and the Arab world is a great caliber for the stability and the balance world is for this reason that all eyes of the world is vocalized on this region and the question today of security in the Middle East and its relationship with world powers and essentially the types of international relations today or the new forms and background of relations between countries including the Middle East countries relations and the big poles emerges the Eastern pole and the Western pole. this is a question that requires a lot of research and many answers since global changes and the emergence of new global alliances force us to review the current situation and especially the new regional and global alliance and has another current reading. So I do not want to waste a lot of time for a historical reading but I want to get into the subject and answer the question directly
1- What are the trends in Middle East security?
2- Where are the common interests or the big power should cooperate in the Middle East?
3- What roles should the big power play in Middle East security?

What are the trend in the Middle East security ?
to answer qustions it is necessary first of all to know the state of place and the general securitaire atmospher of the region Middle East
all the diagnosis shows us that he has a big disease( probleme) in the area.
The foreign powers had multiple interests in the Middle East and North Africa and especially the great interest is the domination and the exploitation of the natural resources, in particular the energy oil and the Gaze of this region. This is why this region is the scene of major conflicts between world powers or poles to predict and impose, control and create problems.
The big problem is that there are powerful forces and countries do not want to cooperate positively but they want to weaken the region more and more so that it finds the ways to enter and dominate.
As an observer on the scene of security and stability in the Middle East and North Africa, the presence of foreign and regional forces plays an important role and there is a very dangerous situation, particularly sectarian and political conflicts. internal, political conflicts and political parties, not the concentration Make the whole region turbulent and achieve civil wars and the depletion of human potential. This is why we must understand the role of external parties, in particular regional and global powers, and their impact on the evolution of conflict from the intervention policy and its consequences.

When we want to talk about the relations between the countries and especially to remain in our subject the relations between the world powers and the countrie of the middle east, there is a relation or the intervention is to exchange the interests with strategic cooperation that unites the forces that means the so-called strategic partner of political logic and there is not a winner and a loser it is win-win logic, secondly, a destabilizing and waving action the region to create problems and conflicts to control it and dominate it is another type of relationship, Negative and destructive intervention. In the Middle East and North Africa, there is a fragile collapse and instability, particularly in terms of security and terrorism, which threatens internal and external stability.
The free fall of the Middle East and North Africa countries has fostered regional turmoil over lawlessness compounded by the power vacuum that has increased competition between countries for exploration, direct intervention and competition. between them or as international coalitions.
One of the most important things created by the internal turmoil is the inability of the fundamental forces to solve these problems, even though they contributed mainly to the crisis and thought they had solutions and they could be easy to apply on the ground and even raw at the time. He knows the society and the people well and will invest in the opposition that will open its doors, but the days prove that these local forces can not do the necessary to manage the situation and the disturbance and it is not able to find solutions especially on the security and political level and as long as the troubles are saucial and political the intervention safe and very difficult
However, this crisis in the region is such that there are no solutions and there are local and international efforts to resolve the conflict, because the cooperation and interests of some major powers share and cooperate. to resolve local conflicts so that these regional and global forces find new ways to positively perceive their competing interests It is not the trend of interests that is currently administered by proxy and on the lands of the Middle East and in the ‘North Africa.
The current reality forces us to be realistic, because it is clear that there will be no stability and no concrete practical progress on the ground, but we must recognize that stability in the Middle East and North Africa is linked to Commitment and Broad participation and positive incentives and motivation for regional cooperation and not distort it by promoting engagement.
But it seems that regional and global powers are seeking to control the wealth of the region and obtain some of it as local and regional forces seek to establish and maintain security, peace and stability for the future of their region. peoples, as well as counter-terrorism and extremism Planting in the region to weaken and threaten it, independent states having the freedom to decide their fate and to identify with who will cooperate and who is its strategic ally
To summarize the first paragraph, the security situation in the Middle East is very complex and all variables, whether internal, regional or foreign, overlap. Economic and geopolitical interests are also closely linked: we see no sign of solution as much as we perceive signs of complexity. And especially the factors that we consider very important that can not contribute to stability is the factor of Israel’s presence in the region as occupying the Arab territories and sedition has penetrated into the countries of the Middle East. East and massacres, which are the Arab-Israeli conflict, which will not solve the problem unfortunately in the Middle East.
The second factor is extremism, terrorism and internal wars, the civil war and the presence of global Mafia and especially drug dealers and the trafficking of people the traders of arms and money laundering organized crimes illegal immigration …. So security and stability become the goal, the purpose and the choice of these countries for the dismantling of traditional and old alliances and the building of new alliances can give them a chance of balance and justice, or what I always calls the hegemony of justice and legality. cooperative allies for stability and security and to rebuild because there is no reconstruction without security is the dialectic peace and security and security peace.
So we move on to the second question, which is fundamentally related to the first question

2- Where are the common interests or the big power should cooperate in the Middle East?
to begin with, you have to think of a strategic proverb that “If you do not care about the Middle East, it deserves your attention”
Before we talk about the common interests of the great powers, which will be of great value to each other in the Middle East, we must ask a question.
How can the great powers first deal with the Middle East countries or how can they convince them of the need for cooperation and cooperation for common interests, and not for exploitation or domination?
And especially that the subject we are talking about is a very sensitive area and is the field of security
When America intervened in Iraq, it was completely destroyed and until now. After 15 years, Iraq was no longer Iraq, but destroyed and exploited its wealth and became fertile ground for Iraq. terrorism and terrorists. Zarqawi and Baghdadi are only the result of this military intervention (colonization). And the worst thing is that Dech has military bases of advanced weapons and we are facing a symmetrical war with terror and even we can not distinguish between a terrorist and a rebel.
Cooperation on information exchange, counter-terrorism and experience is considered reasonable and acceptable. But the second form of cooperation is by interfering in the internal affairs under the cover of the revolution, either by supporting the opposition or the human rights it became unacceptable in these countries, who feared any interference or blackmail on the part of Combat Terrorism or support the opposition and defeat the dictatorship and other accusations interfering militarily, directly or indirectly. It is now clear that the picture has become understandable and that the international game has become open. Thus, the choice of foreign powers with common interests with the countries of the region is a choice with the closest to cooperation and alliances is now and with the Syrian crisis all the relational equations and strategic military and security its changed

The region is closer to a vast battlefield where there are many battlefields and models of war, with community chaos, geopolitical, national and religious unrest and involvement of the countries of the region cmme (Israel, Turkey, Iran, Ethiopia) in its internal affairs with the ambitions of the great powers (America, Russia, China, France, Great Britain, Japan) in the region. And the big change was especially after the US occupation in Iraq and after the Arab revolutions of 2011 A new geographical map emerged and modified the general characteristics of the proliferation of armed terrorist organizations and transnational nationalities in the region and the country. developing its goals with the great search for great powers to impose itself and a regional neighborhood that has participated in the divisions of the region, such as the map of the division of Bernard Lewis to divide the Arab world.
As part of efforts by foreign countries to reach and maintain their strategic goals in the Middle East and North Africa. The establishment of military bases that have taken on more dimensions of cooperation and the maintenance of peace has made a radical deviation from its objectives and become military bases for the threat, domination and control of this rich region.
And if we want to talk about the logic of international relations, we must first fight against terrorism, it is the first interest that all the international forces must fight against him on the security and military level without entering into the limited interest of some country. is only interested in their interest in exploiting all the wealth of the world with all the legal means and illegal for it and who thinks only of his interest as a world force and who is the first force and power and all the world must obey has his orders /
Military cooperation forms
1- Alliances and Military Bases
2- military facilitation
3- Strategic cooperation agreements
4- Memorandum of Understanding
5- Common defense agreements
6- common military training

However, the foreign military presence in the region has had serious consequences that are difficult to limit at all levels: the differences and divisions between the countries of the Middle East and North Africa and their peoples have created a This is a unique source of direct threat to the national security of some Arab countries, so one must play on one principle – Arab national security.
This presence also accentuated a military imbalance in the Middle East region and the Arab region as a whole, which became in the interest of Israeli military capabilities as the volume of arms sales by the major powers increased. , with the taking into account of the powers abroad the sources of oil and gas. in addition the high batton is the threat of using military force
With the objectives of foreign power, which placed this presence in the place of responsibilities and high praise, it has become a new form of colonialism
Taking the region of the Red Sea, which has become one of the largest enclaves to host foreign military bases, the region is now part of the new spice route, linked to the US military presence in the Sahel and the African Sahara. It is also the Chinese strategy under the name of “one belt-one way”, a network of military and commercial installations ranging from mainland China to the port of Sudan.
It is not surprising that the Arab region is witnessing a military escalation of international forces, which is replacing the United States of America, particularly in the context of the war on international terrorism.
China, France and Russia emerged with overlapping countries bordering Iran and Turkey, which made the region severely disrupted, even within a single state, and the region became more complex .
And to conclude and finish, the countries of the Middle East and North Africa seek their stability and the maintenance of peace and that can only be with:
1- Put a comprehensive internal and local strategy with the help of the big powers to manage the conflicts and especially for the fight against extremism and terrorism on the political, economic and security side
2- The good relations between the countries of the region and especially the Arab-Israeli problem which is the cause of all security disruption
3- To lead good relations with neighboring countries and especially to manage border problems with regional and international cooperation (intelligence and information …)
4- Real alliances between the big powers and the Middle East countries for the fight against terrorism
If there are no permanent rules and stability for the region, the painful diagnosis is that the world will face a state of prolonged instability in the Middle East and North Africa region, where violence, murder and destruction will continue without anyone benefiting.
And the disturbances are not going to stop in the region and it does not have a winner nor a country, nor a system or a party. the region must work to establish a field of cooperation in the context of its richness and rich diversity, and it is clear that the challenge in the region concerns future generations.
And to finish this analysis, we conclude by stating that the bleeding must be stopped for the region by a logic of cooperation and construction, and not of control and exploitation of the conditions favorable to more shots, because the sedition is not not in the interest of those great powers who wish to promote peace in the world through political speeches that is not real.
It is not in the humanitarian interest for the Middle East to remain in the storm or the wars and a hotbed of terror and terrorists, especially as terrorists can turn into different parts of the world and the the whole world becomes a hotbed of terrorism. Terrorist organizations are present all over the world.

By Zouhour Mechergui
