الجمعة. أكتوبر 18th, 2024



The true face of deceit, the lie of democracy, freedom of speech, and expression have become apparent as American politicians shattered the minds of people worldwide.

The war on Gaza was the tough test where American politicians showed unlimited solidarity and support for the Zionist killers and their brutal massacres. From one failure to another, the American administration persists in being on the barbaric side, deliberately engaging in killing and committing war crimes.

One of the most disgraceful stances adopted by the White House was the shameful and terrifying treatment of protesters at American universities by police forces within the campus.

American authorities and their security apparatus decided to shed the mask of protocols and democracy, donning the attire of anger and resentment against protesting students and demonstrators on the campuses of universities like Columbia, and others that witnessed unprecedented student activism in decades.

In France, where student protests occurred in front of the Political Science University in both Paris and Lyon, condemning the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

The French police attacked and beat several protesting students in front of the Political Science University in Paris, attempting to disperse the protesters with force and employing significant violence.

Under the pretext of the “Anti-Semitism Criminalization” law

Anti-Semitism accusations often come from pro-Israel advocates, who live with a sense of persecution due to their racism, imagining that all their problems in their relationships with other nations stem from their Jewish origin.

The Holocaust Museum states that the Nazi Holocaust, during the period between 1933 and 1945, is “the most extreme example of anti-Semitism in history.”

The British Encyclopedia states, “The storm of violence against Jews launched by Nazi Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler from 1933 to 1945 not only reached terrifying proportions in Germany itself but also inspired anti-Jewish movements elsewhere.”

The West’s continued justification of anti-Semitism in the twenty-first century led to considering how to criminalize opinions, ideas, and positions opposing extreme Zionism worldwide, introducing international and local legislation for this purpose.

The US House of Representatives passed the “Anti-Semitism Combat Act,” which may end university protests on the pretext of “anti-Semitism.”

Republican Congress leader Mike Johnson, who made great efforts to approve the bill, considered that pro-Palestinian demonstrations at universities serve the wave of “anti-Semitism” and increase bias against Jews.

It is a law that will prohibit criticism of the Israeli entity, and it will also impose a ban on any directed opposition to Zionism at American universities.

Democracy Reveals the Mask of Dictatorship

A wave of arrests carried out by security agencies in the United States within university campuses against protesting students supporting Palestinians, dismantling a sit-in camp at the University of Virginia, while other American universities prepared for further protests and disruptions during graduation ceremonies, as the number of students arrested from many American universities exceeded 2000.

The University of Virginia in Charlottesville witnessed renewed tension, although the protests were largely peaceful. Social media circulated videos and images of police officers suppressing protesters by beating them and deploying chemical spray.

Students across the United States and European countries gather at dozens of universities to protest the ongoing war for months in Gaza and to demand that President Joe Biden, who supports Israel, stop the bloodshed there.

They also call on their universities to withdraw their investments from companies that support the Israeli government, such as arms supply companies.


A false crime without pillars, claimed by Zionism rooted in the ideology of fanaticism, blood theory, and a policy of silencing voices.

Its terms have varied from “Islamophobia” to “anti-Semitism,” turning into a wielded sword over the necks of writers, newspapers, governments, and subjecting them to what Zionism wants, “dividing peoples and nations.” As for the police repression apparatus, it has shown a true dictatorship of Western rulers in breaking the pen, imprisoning the word, and conquering the fortresses of struggle and aspirations forliberation and the defense of truth and justice within the corridors of science.

By amine