الأربعاء. مارس 12th, 2025

The inherited, accumulated, and enriched cultures, beliefs, ways of life, social contexts, and phenomena, cherished by their Arab owners, cannot be obliterated by a few murderous Zionists and their disgraceful spies.

It took us quite a while in Syria to understand what is happening and why since March 2011. Our country, Syria, was one of the safest countries on earth. Followers of different religions and creeds have lived in absolute harmony for centuries, and the popular culture is one of benevolence and forgiveness amid utmost social cohesion and solidarity. All the mottos and pretexts promulgated by the terrorists and the media that support them were far from our reality.

Despite all the steps and measures taken by the government, semi-government bodies, and social and tribal leaders across the country, nothing was able to stop the murder spree and destruction of well-founded state institutions. After a few years, it became very clear to all of us that destruction, tearing the social structure apart, weakening the state, and promoting chaos were the objectives. The terrorists wore an Islamic cover supported by Fatwas from men who happened to belong to the Islamic religion to distort the image of Islam and link it to terrorism.

Two things were taking place in the meantime: Causing maximum damage to Syria’s historical heritage in all fields and imposing a world media blockade on anyone who tries to challenge the narrative promoted by terrorists and the absolute Western support they were awarded by all Western countries and media outlets. The terrorists focused on targeting any means of communication among Syrians. They destroyed roads and established armed blocks between cities and villages till it became almost impossible for a woman or a man in Damascus to visit their relatives in Aleppo or Homs. There are family members who did not see each other for years, which is extremely hard for our closely-knit families. They destroyed our hospitals, like the Kendi hospital in Aleppo; the best in the Arab world, as well as thousands of schools, homes, and public institutions.

Now that we have been witnessing what has been perpetrated in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Syria, our subconscious mind is sending us signals that we have seen the very same thing before. I have seen the unprecedented murder of nurses and doctors, of teachers, of clergymen in both churches and mosques and then the destruction of both over the heads of the displaced women and children who took refuge in them. I have seen how brothers living within a small geographic area cannot see each other for years because the roads are not safe at all and one has to risk their own life to visit a family member.

The difference is that the terrorism that struck Syria and Iraq for over a decade was called Islamic terrorism, which Islam is absolutely innocent of. Now with all this horrifying genocide, no one describes what “Israel” is perpetrating as terrorism or the worst terrorism human beings have ever witnessed. We, as Muslims, refuse to call it Jewish terrorism as Judaism is a faith, and no faith can be tainted with terrorism. Faith only calls for love and peace, but the terrorist Israeli government is the side that plans and executes all these horrendous crimes against innocent Arab people.

The fact that Zionism has also terrorized governments and people to the extent that no country or government or UN organization dares to call “Israel” a terrorist “state” does not change the historical fact that the Zionist entity is a terrorist entity that is committing the most horrifying crimes against the people of Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. The way they destroy roads and bridges is exactly what terrorists in Syria for over 12 years have done to buildings, bridges, and transport infrastructures of roads among cities and towns.

The terrorists, with the help of US forces, established a terrorist camp in Tanf, a meeting point between Syria, Iraq, and Jordan to prevent trade and transport, which are the veins of life among these countries. Now the Zionist shelling is completing the terrorist job by targeting all roads, bridges, and any means of roads or transport between Syria and Lebanon under the pretext of blocking arms transfer, which is one of their countless pretexts to perpetrate genocide and force whoever has survived to migrate after suffering the worst murder, humiliation, and torture.

Do you understand now what Netanyahu meant by not stopping until he finishes the Job? He wants to finish the job that was started by the terrorists in Tunisia, Libya, Syria, and Iraq, and he wants to finish the job that was started by his predecessors of massacres and displacement in 1948 and 1982, as well as many other massacres and aggressions over the years from Deir Yassin and Sabra and Shatila to Jabalia, Nuseirat, and Jenin. He wants to finish the job that was started by Sykes and Picot, his British and French conspirators who share with him a deep venom against the Arab Nation and its rich and honorable contribution to world heritage.

There is no doubt that the horrible aggression against Palestinians, Lebanese, and Syrians is a profound aggression against the Arab nation and every Arab person from Morocco to Iraq. But this nation that Netanyahu dreams of subjugating is tens of thousands of years old, and despite junctures of weakness, it was always able to gather itself and defeat invaders who had a greed to occupy its land and loot its fortunes. The inherited, accumulated, and enriched cultures, beliefs, ways of life, social contexts, and phenomena, cherished by their Arab owners, cannot be obliterated by a few murderous Zionists and their disgraceful spies.

Source: Al Mayadeen English

By amine

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